
Name: Apollymi
Age: 30
Location: Tallahassee, FL
Characters: Bakura, Yami, Ryou
Name: Katsuko
Site: The Asylum
Age: 32
Location: Tallahassee, FL
Characters: Jounouchi, Malik, Marik

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March 2006
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December 2006
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Monday, March 13, 2006
Blood and Sacrifice Notes



Although it's been a long slow move to where I want to be, all that's left of Blood and Sacrifice is the epilogue... of which there is now nearly a full handwritten page. Since I try to have no less than 7 handwritten pages per chapter (and for EL, very seldomly more than 10), I'm about 1/7 to 1/10 of the way finished with it. Since it is just an epilogue, though, it might end up being shorter.

Next up after the end of B&S will be Automatic Paranoia, which will lead directly into the fully co-authored Route 666. Things are only going to get crazier from here on out. The poor, poor boys...

Amusingly enough, the epilogue to R666 is already done, even though B&S isn't finished and AutoPara isn't started. There is a reason for that though - which I'm not telling. I'm not giving away my secrets!